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Video, Networking and a Good Sense of Humour: Life After the Army

Video, Networking and a Good Sense of Humour: Life After the Army.

n episode #25, I’m joined by Gareth James of Clockwork Eye. An ex-Army Corporal tuned IT Manager and then Video Marketing and Production business owner. For the past decade. Gareth has pioneered video and digital marketing training, helping his clients better understand how video and digital marketing work.

Money Mindset and Powerful Pivots When Life Just Happens

Money Mindset and Powerful Pivots When Life Just Happens

I am really looking forward to sharing with you episode #23 and some of the key things I got out of my time with Eowyn Levene, of Plumtree Money. We covered, money mindest and powerful pivots when life has a way of just happening.

How to make Your Creative Business More Profitable

How to Make your Creative Business More Profitable.

In Episode #22 I am joined by Stephanie Desaulnier as she shares her double-pivot career to creating a business that supports you how to make your creative business more profitable. Formally a Geologist, Stephanie started a sewing business, scaled it and then created a course to help other creatives do the same.

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