What's a Ghostwriter and Why You Need One
What's a Ghostwriter and Why You Need One

Epsiode #10

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Do you love books?  My grandma used to buy me old books from the library whenever they had a sale and so began my love of turning the page and getting lost in a story. She also had a magic book which only appeared when you were really good and weren't watching!  (a tale for another time)

Anyway, earlier in the summer I decided I would either start writing my first book or I would start a podcast. You know how that story goes, I started a podcast But I still have the vision of writing a book one day soon and in my pre research of starting a book, I learnt about ghostwriting and then I met author and ghostwriter Jennifer Locke and invited her onto my show to discuss her own pivot story but also what it actually means to be a ghostwriter. So in my newest episode, Jennifer and I discuss What's a Ghostwriter and Why You Need One?  

Jennifer helps entrepreneurs and thought leaders uplevel their brands with a book.  She's been writing fiction since 2011, and brings a fiction writer’s approach to her work with her clients.  Whether writing fiction or non-fiction, Jennifer lives for stories and bringing stories to life.

Some of the key highlights from the show, include understanding what's a ghostwriter and why you need one. Where do you start when starting to write your first book? The importance of your why, your message and understanding your audience, the power of storytelling and all about Jennifer's new course, Book In Six and how it helps people through the process of writing a book 400 words at a time.

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Jennifer's Course Book In Six

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Full Show Transcript

Beth: Hey, everybody. Welcome to episode 10 of the visualise you show. I'm your host, Beth Hewitt and I can't quite believe that we're on episode 10 already. It has absolutely flown by. It has gone by so quickly. 

Since we started the podcast back at the beginning of September, I have thoroughly enjoyed interviewing and meeting, amazingly creative people online, and I'm so excited to bring lots more experts onto the show.

Now I would really love to hear your feedback. You can leave me a review on iTunes, or you can message me on social media. I'm on all major social media platforms. 

My handle is Visualise You on Facebook and Instagram and underscore Beth Hewitt on Twitter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, come and find me wherever you see me.

Let me know what you love, what you'd like to change, what guests and experts you would love to have on the show in the future. Anything goes.

I cannot wait to hear from you. Also. A quick reminder that the gratitude challenge is now available for you to register and it's completely free. I'm looking to involve as many people as I can in the gratitude challenge, which starts on the 1st of December.

There are actually more details on the gratitude challenge in the previous episode if you want to listen to that one. Or you can simply go to visualiseyou.com/gratitude, and you can find out all the details and register for the gratitude challenge.

Now in today's, episode, we are going to be talking about writing books. Now my guest today is, Jennifer Locke of Jennifer Locke writes. Jennifer is a ghostwriter. And if you are somebody who feels that you have a book inside of you; feel like you've got a story to tell, but maybe you're not a writer.

Maybe writing is not your thing. Perhaps ghostwriting is for you. So, in this episode, we talk about what a ghostwriter. And what can they do tell you, bring your storytelling out there into the world and let's face it, there are celebrities and other people who we all know, they don't actually write the book, but they work with people like Jennifer, who is so amazingly able to really bring that storytelling out of somebody, which is such a unique superpower in terms of being able to articulate and really assume the identity of somebody, and make sure that those words and storytelling are amazingly portrayed onto the page.

So, in this episode, as well as talking about what it actually means to be a ghostwriter writer and what somebody could expect from the ghostwriting experience. We also talk about Jennifer's pivot and how she started her business whilst having a young family. 

In fact, she'd got twins and, how she didn't necessarily know what it was she was going to be falling into, but she was really willing to try lots of different things, and one of those things was her ability to write fiction and write stories and ultimately write stories for other people.

So, this episode is absolutely for you. If you have a story inside of you and you would like to know how you can get that out there into the world. Jennifer also shares with us, her amazing new product Book in Six, which is an amazing course that allows you to break down the task of writing a book in such a manageable way just by taking 20 minutes of your day or writing 400 words a day.

I'm sure you're going to absolutely love this episode and if you need a ghostwriter or you're interested in knowing how to easily create your own book. Check out. Jennifer's course you can find all the details in the show notes. I hope you enjoy this one.

Welcome Jennifer, to the Visualise You show. Jennifer is a ghostwriter and author coach who helps entrepreneurs and thought leaders Uplevel their brands with a book. Jennifer has been writing fiction since 2011. Jennifer has written business books that have been published by the big business and big five publishers. Whether writing fiction or nonfiction, Jennifer lives, for stories, bringing stories to life, whether her own all her clients is Jennifer's favourite work. And I love storytelling as well.

So, I'm really looking forward to this conversation. Welcome to the show, Jennifer.

Jennifer: [00:04:56] Thank you so much. I'm happy to be here.

Beth: [00:04:59] okay, let's dive straight in then. So, can you just tell our listeners a little bit about, where you were before, how you came to be doing ghostwriting and the work that you do today?

Jennifer: [00:05:09] Sure, like a lot of Moms who own businesses. I think my story really starts at the moment my twins were born. Suddenly we found ourselves bereft of affordable childcare options. And so, we said, all right, I guess I'll be staying home with them. And then began seeking out ways to earn money, working from home with them.

And so, I did a lot of different random freelance jobs and doing things that were like turning out content. I was just desperate to find some way to contribute to our family's finances. And, lo and behold, I connected with someone who wanted ghostwritten articles. And so, I began doing that.

And then this person said that they wanted a book and I had never done that before? And I decided to give it a try. And, a couple of years later here we are traditionally published, and I discovered how much that I really loved the process of getting to know someone else's voice and speak in their voice and really bring out their genius all of the good things that I see in them when they speak to them.

But for whatever reason, people don't always have time to write a book. They don't always have the skill set. It's a very specific skill set that people need to do the process of writing a book. And I had been writing fiction since 2011, so I thought it couldn't be too hard to translate.

And I found as you mentioned in my bio that the common thread was storytelling. So, I'm taking that fiction writers approach to nonfiction. It was really all about bringing up the voice and bringing out the story and showcasing the author in such a way where they sound even more brilliant than they already are.

And I just found that I really loved it. I loved that process. I love the long-form, deep dive into it, and I'm working with someone over that period of time. And. Yeah, the chance to be really collaborative and relationship-focused. And so that's when I pivoted and began ghostwriting and helping people who wanted to do that for themselves, to be an author coaching.

And it's been super fun ever since then. I really, I love the process of helping people bring up their stories.

Beth: [00:07:34] I love that. And I think you hear people say that they haven't got a story inside them, or that their stories aren't worth sharing, but I think those are the really relatable things. I think people really resonate with those. So that's what I really love about it, and I try to do that in my marketing.

So, it's lovely to hear that you've got a process that you go through with your clients to bring that out. What would you say to somebody who is maybe wanting to write a book, but they're not sure where to start? And they're not sure how to identify what part of their story they need to be focusing on.

Jennifer: [00:08:06] Yeah, there are a couple of things that I say that are good places to start and The first thing is you always need to start with your why do you want to write a book? Why is it important to you? And I tell people to write down all of their reasons and some of them can be petty. Some of them can be, we might judge them and think, Oh, that's all about my ego or who am I to say that I want to have a New York Times bestseller. Or whatever, or it could be something like my fourth-grade teacher told me that I was a bad writer and I want to show her. But I just encourage people to get them all down on paper until they find some that really resonates with them because you're why it has to be strong enough to carry you through the whole process.

People get really excited to write books a lot of the time, and they show up very hot and, then they flame out because you've got to write books with a steady hand and just commit to the process and keep showing up. So, connecting with WHY is really huge. No matter what your why is, it's good enough.

As long as it's going to see you through the process of writing an entire, book and then I encourage them to examine who they are is, and what their messages are. 

Or what their message is. If you have a business and you want to write a book to Uplevel your business, who are the people who are paying attention to you, who are the people you're serving, who are the people that you want to be serving?

And it's finding the right sweet spot between those two things you have to connect with the excitement and the joy behind who you're serving and connect to that idea of service so that you're going to be compelled to write the book that's calling to you. 

And so, you don't flame out and say, this is too hard and I'm bored with it, but think about what kind of opportunities you want to be drawing to yourself and how you can really position yourself well, via your book. And even if people don't have a business, they can look inward to determine, okay, who is my audience? 

What are some facets of me that I talk about and that I enjoy talking about, and that resonate with other people, whether it's dog lovers or whether it's like people who are caring for an ageing parent? If you just set out to write a book in general, like that's way too general. So, we have to get specific and get focused in and determine which audience you want to be speaking to. And then the audience, plus the message, equal books.

So I ask people if you could go up to everybody in that audience and look them in the eye and tell them one thing that you think is the most important message for them to understand right now, what would that message be? 

So, we start there, and we get those two basic elements, and then we break it down further and further until we have an outline basically, and then generate the stories or excavate a better word.

The stories that are going to support that outline.

Beth: [00:11:11] Wow. Okay. And I'm glad you said about people that maybe don't have a business right now because some people might be listening to today thinking. I'd like to write a book by, do I have a business or some people might already have a business and it might be a point in their lives when I think actually now there's a book.

So, do you work with people who are at either end of those spectrums, and you can pick up at whatever point they are in their life.

Jennifer: [00:11:35] Yeah I work with primarily business owners, or thought leaders, entrepreneurs, people who are wanting to have, people maybe who want to launch a speaking career or a different leg of their business. That's primarily who I work with, but I think the same principles apply, even if you're just want to write a memoir or, some type of, advice book.

If you have stories to share, if you have the experience, then you are the expert in that zone, and you don't need any other outside qualifications to write a book, it's just a matter of getting specific and, honing in on who you want to speak to and what you want to say.

Beth: [00:12:19] And I'm glad you said that as well. Because one of the things that I want listeners to get out of the Visualise You show is around their skills and experiences and how actually I think sometimes when we're good at something we don't necessarily think, or the people need to know that, Oh, it's almost like we don't write that particular blog posts. We don't do that piece of marketing, because we think, Oh, everybody knows that already, but actually, we've got these stories inside of us that we should tell, and that can inspire other people to do really great stuff as well. 

So, I want it to go way back to then when you pivoted. So, you've got, your twins, and you knew that you had to do something different, you needed to want to stay at home with them. And was that kind of the motivation behind it.

Jennifer: [00:12:58] Yeah, I was going to go back into the workforce. And then on the Eve of, when I was about to do that, I realised I couldn't do it because we didn't have a sustainable childcare solution. And, with twins, the cost was pretty high. And it was, it was a gut decision not to go back. And then, yeah, just wondering, I don't know how if listeners are mothers, but just the process of caring for them. 

And that was all-consuming in the beginning and also really wonderful, but eventually, I, said okay. I don't want to go back to its traditional job. I really feel like I can make my own way. I'd thought about that calling for a while and, tried various things and so, it just became a matter of trying things and seeing what works essentially, and then, stumbling accidentally on a path that was pretty exciting to me and combined all of these skills that I have been developing over the past, seven, eight years of writing fiction and translating that into something that was going to be profitable. I said, okay, and I made an inventory and said, what's my highest value skill. And it's book writing. Not a lot of people know how to do book writing, but I do. And what can I do with that? So that was what that all looked like.

It was a happy accident that I stumbled into it.

Beth: [00:14:26] I love that. I love happy accidents. They're the best ones. So, you said you were doing writing seven to eight years before that, is that what you were doing within your career? Were you writing as part of your job? What was it that you were doing?

Jennifer: [00:14:37] No, my career was, I began in education, and then I transitioned to non-profits. So, I was working in non-profits before giving birth, but I've written fiction since 2011, and I write middle-grade fiction currently. So, people usually know what young adult fiction is. Middle-grade would be like the tier below that in terms of age.

So, I had been doing that for a while, and that's where my deepest love is, and where my heart is. And that's the thing that I'll do no matter what. So I'd just been spending all this time before work and like late at night and reading voraciously and developing that particular skill and in the process had learned to, learn to write books, and realise that I could translate that skill and use it to help others.

Beth: [00:15:34] Throughout that period of time, then, as you made that pivot could tell our listeners how that came about? I heard that it was a tweet or something that somebody tweeted something and you messaged them.

Jennifer: [00:15:44] Yeah, it was just a tweet on a job word, essentially. Somebody posted a tweet, and I've said, okay, seems like something I could do. And I responded to it and, began writing content for the same person who had tweeted, who eventually became my first ghostwriting client.

And I wrote that client's book. You just never know what's going to stick. I didn't know who was behind it. It was a faceless, nameless tweet then I just, I responded to, because I said, okay, that sounds like fun. So yeah.

Beth: [00:16:18] The right place at the right time and is that something that you would normally do?

Jennifer: [00:16:21] It was at the time going to job boards quite a bit and pitching. So that's what I was doing just in pitching a lot, which is something that I still do. I think as entrepreneurs, we're always; we can never be too good to pitch ourselves, often and broadly. So yeah, that's how I connected with who became my first ghostwriting client.

Beth: [00:16:45] Wow. I'm sure there's been a number of life lessons throughout that period from pivoting to then, getting your first ghostwriting client, and then setting up the business that you have today and working with people to do the same for them and write their own books, but has it been any life lessons throughout that period that you'd like to share with our listeners?

Jennifer: [00:17:04] Sure. I can think of several, first of all. Yes. So key to find other people who understand what you're doing and who can support you, who understand your desire to do something out of the box and live a life that doesn't look traditionally, how people would expect people to the outside world.

What it looks like to be a stay at home mom, but people who know, they know that there's a whole lot more going on—but just finding those people who get it and who can connect and support you and spur you on.

And also, yeah, so it's not so lonely because entrepreneurship can be a lonely road and if it feels lonely. If I'm having a week where things seem particularly lonely, it's like something's got to change.

I've got to do something differently. I need to connect with someone. I need to call someone and just really connect with my people. So that's the first one. Find your people. Find people who will build you up. And I also think it's super important to celebrate each day. Each little milestone, each little thing, every step that you take.

It's so easy to look over your left shoulder and look over your right shoulder and compare yourself to people on social media when comparing your story to what you think someone else's story is. Of course, we never really know. But what helps me to get back into that positive frame of mind in that positive flow is just to recognise how far I've come and to celebrate each step along the way.

And just to snap back into gratitude as often as possible.

Beth: [00:18:55] I don't think we do that enough for ourselves. We don't celebrate ourselves.

Jennifer: [00:19:01] I'm reminding myself of what I need to do, as I say that. And we do that so well with our friends. Don't we like, we say, oh wow, that's amazing that you did, X, Y, and Z., But we're not so good at doing it for ourselves. And I think that's really important.

Beth: [00:19:20] We should absolutely do more of that. And you said about connecting with other people. Who were those people for you? Were they brand new people or was, is your family and friends?

Jennifer: [00:19:29] Yeah, so I connected with a business coach, like right away at the start of my journey. And I think that's really key. I hired a business coach before it necessarily made sense to do that financially. Because it even took me a while to think about, okay, this is a business, I'm a businessperson.

This is what I need to be doing. It was really key finding that support. And I joined a mastermind of likeminded people a little bit later and just continuing to meet people, connect with people and lean on, a biz bestie who gets what I'm doing and who's living a similar life?

The fun thing is when, people on the internet, random people become actual friends. And when you develop relationships with them, over time and are able to see each other evolve and grow. So yeah, so just being open to connection is super important. I think.

 Beth: [00:21:13] So has there been something then that's been calling you throughout all of this time? Whether it was right and or something else, did you know where you were heading a little bit with the kind of clues along the way that you think you could share with our listeners?

Jennifer: [00:21:27] Yeah, I would say that I was always new. I think I said that I wanted to be a writer when I was like seven when I was very young. I've always been single-minded about, that was really the only path that appealed to me. So, I think I was lucky in that sense because it wasn't like a lot of questioning.

It was a desire that I had when I was young. And then I reconnected with in my twenties and have more or less been pursuing single-mindedly ever since, evaluating things in the light of, okay, if I do this or that will it allow me time to write. So, having that kind of focus and direction, I would say has been a gift, because that's definitely always been to be a writer.

It's essentially the only thing I ever wanted to be. And, in terms of the thing that's calling me, I would just, come back to the power of storytelling and I think stories are transformative. You can tell people something, you can explain things to people, but if you tell them a story about it, that's the place where people can connect, and hearts and minds are able to change and open.

So that storytelling aspect of bringing out my own stories and allowing other people to birth their stories and bring them into the world. Has been the thing that gets me the most excited and helps me to continue on this path.

Beth: [00:23:02] It must be really nice actually to bring somebody's story forward for somebody who's maybe struggled with bringing that to life for somebody, it must be really rewarding I can imagine.

Jennifer: [00:23:11] Yeah, it is. It's very fun. When we have, I do these intensive sessions with people where we're really trying to just pull out the meaning of the story and get it on the page. And it ends up being like therapy sometimes just because we're like getting deeper and deeper and trying to get to the truth and trying to shape it and mould it into something that's going to be book-shaped.

So, there's a really intuitive part too, and also the pragmatic book side as well. Being able to pull out things from people and help them see how it arranges itself into a book is very fun and very rewarding. And it also enables people to validate their own life experience and to see what they have to offer and see how offering that to others is really going to be able to add value into the world.

Beth: [00:24:15] I think one of the things we've not touched on really is what a ghostwriter actually is. I think people have got this idea of maybe what a ghostwriter is, but do you want to just elaborate a little bit on that as well? Some people have been thinking; I'm not sure whether I'm the one to write the book or actually if somebody wrote the book for me, how would they understand my voice?

How would they write in such a way that kind of captures who I am?

Jennifer: [00:24:37] yeah.

Beth: [00:24:38] It seems like the obvious thing, doesn't it, but we're talking about ghostwriting. I think we should maybe just say a little bit about that.

Jennifer: [00:24:45] Sure. Yeah. It's definitely a very collaborative process. And so typically the author will come, and they have an idea, and it might be in the beginning stages. It might be more fully formed. It usually ends up changing, and that's totally all right. But they come with research, perhaps they've done a lot of interviews and a lot of work up to that point in trying to get the book out, but something's not been clicking, and they know that they don't have the skillset that they need to write a really good book that they're going to be proud of. 

I always say that anyone can write a book, but not everyone should. Just because if you're doing it out of an obligation or they have a lot of other things to do. So, if people want a book, but they don't want to be the ones to write it, then that's where I come in. 

it takes a lot of time to learn the craft of book writing. So typically, they come to me with all of this material that they've already created, and we shape it, and we hone it and see how it can be a book that's going to achieve the most impact for the intended audience. And then I do a series of interviews with that person so I can really learn their voice. And it's almost like acting on the page, where I'm inhabiting their worldview and their mindset.

And I'm speaking as that person and helping them. Deliver their genius in a way that's going to resonate the most with their intended audience. So, it's really collaborative. We establish the outline; we get it all set, and then I essentially take it and run with it. But I send chapters as I go throughout and do revisions as needed for the author.

And my goal is an end product - a book that they're thrilled with. So, it's a no go if they're any less than happy with it. They have to be thrilled with it, and it's really exciting when they're able to see, oh my goodness. That's exactly what I mean. But you took my words, and you made them better than I could have written them.

It's very fun. It's. It's super fun to delve into somebody else's world and to inhabit them and exhibit them in a book.

Beth: [00:27:19] Yeah. that's really eye-opening for me, you have to assume what their identity is and you have to really get to understand all of their views and how they show up before you're then able to write like them. So how long has that process taken? Does it take a while?

Jennifer: [00:27:33] Yeah, it usually takes a while. Often, I'll have some prior relationship with the person, maybe from a different context but start to finish it usually takes about six months. I think empathy is really important in writing in general. And that's the skill that I'm deploying there.

It's just trying to understand their worldview and their mindset. And, yeah, I think empathy is something that I think is one of my strengths for sure. And that it enables me to do the job and to write like someone else and help them put their best foot forward.

Beth: [00:28:12] That's super cool. So, you mentioned empathy had been one of your key strengths. One of the things I really want our listeners to appreciate in themselves is that we all have these skills and experiences that we are mass over the course of our career or number of pivots or wherever we are, on our journey.

And I like to call them superpowers because I think we should celebrate ourselves. We should share our strengths more. So, what would you say are your superpowers? As well as empathy, which is a great, superpower to have?

Jennifer: [00:28:42] Yeah. So, I don't know if you're familiar at all with the Enneagram. Is that something that you have any familiarity with?

Beth: [00:28:51] I am a little. I've got a little familiarity with it. I think I've seen it more used in America than I think in the UK. I think we've got like Myers-Briggs and other things; it may be that lots of people are aware in the UK and I'm just not as aware as other people, but yeah, please go ahead.

Jennifer: [00:29:04] I'm an Enneagram four. For whoever is listening, and that means something to them. But their strength of Enneagram that I identify within myself is, just the ability to be pretty emotionally honest and to be truthful. And so, I find that really useful when I'm connecting with people, and I'm drawing out their stories, and I'm trying to get to the deepest kernel of truth. 

And I can tell, this is it, but it's not quite it. And we're getting closer, and we're getting closer, and we're getting closer. And when we really land on the word or the phrase or just the description of the experience that resonates, it's yes, that's it.

That's exactly how it felt. So really being able to cut to the truth of things and, cut underneath the layers and find the kernel of truth and, translate that in a way that's going to resonate with other people. 

It may be that's the same thing as empathy. And maybe they go hand in hand, but I find that it's that intuitive part of me, that is able to do that really well when I work with people.

Beth: [00:30:19] That's cool. intuition is another superpower as well. So those are some great powers. It looks like a house.

Jennifer: [00:30:24] Yeah. Thank you.

Beth: [00:30:27] So as entrepreneurs, we all have kind of platforms of choice to help us get our messages out there into the world. Obviously, you write your own books as well as working with other authors as well. So, what's working for you right now in terms of getting your message out into the world.

Jennifer: [00:30:42] The resource that I launched last month, that I'm pretty excited about because it's a very accessible way to help people demystify the book writing process. And gives them a very easy win if writing a book is overwhelming, but people really want to, and that's the truth of it.

People want to, but the process is too over overwhelming in their conceptualisation of it for them to make the first move. So, I created a resource that I'm so excited about, and it's called Book in Six. And what it is, is a six-month calendar to take aspiring authors from blank page, all the way to finished book.

So, it has 26 weeks' worth of 183 days. And there's a prompt each day. And what it is essentially is me coaching the author on that calendar, on the page, through the entire book writing process. So, if people have, 20 minutes a day, they can do this, and they can go through the material and come out the other end with a book. 

And the thing that I liked, I love about it is that it is not about waking up at three and writing for 12 hours or doing anything like that. I tried to make it built with ease and as gentle as I can. So, there are rest days built into every week. Each day you are writing about 400 words.

It's nothing that is going to be super overwhelming. I tell people if you have 20 minutes a day, you can do this. And with Book in Six, there are pieces of training that I'm excited to offer. I have training on how to master your mindset and how to keep going. Because everybody has mindset issues at some point or another, even authors who've written dozens of books come to the page and wonder if they're going to be able to do it again. 

So, I have it in the training a section called master your mindset. I have a training called How to Name Your Book, and then I have 50 prompts to help authors. There's begin writing now. And I talk about stories so much. What are my best stories?

What stories do I include? This will give you 50 ideas right now. And you can just go through and see what sparks. Yeah, so I'm really excited about that product. And I'm looking to expand it in the future with some complementary resources, but it's like a super easy that it gives an instant win to people who want to write a book but don't know where to start.

Beth: [00:33:28] That sounds so interesting. You've broken down lots of the elements that may be come-up for people. Like the procrastinating; and it's like that whole, how do we an elephant? Kind of thing, with one chunk at a time. So being able to do 20 minutes every day is a lot easier. Or 400 words a day, so much easier than tackling - I need to write a whole book.

Jennifer: [00:33:49] Yeah. 

Beth: [00:33:50] Yeah, little by little, but even just coming up with the title of the book as well. I suppose in the process, is that normally something that comes or happens at the end or does some people have the idea for the book upfront,

Jennifer: [00:34:03] Some people have the idea at the beginning. What I always say is don't rush it. Because sometimes, you can't know exactly what going to be in the book until you write it. You can have a great outline and have everything planned, but there's discovery inherent in the writing process. And so, you want to write a title that's going to be eye-catching, books.

People will stop in the bookstore and look at it and wonder what it means. And, but also that conveys what your book is about. So, I always say, don't rush it. It's difficult, and it's tricky. It's something that I enjoy doing quite a bit. But yeah, I think not rushing it is the right answer.

It requires a whole lot of thought and playing and seeing what emerges that translates. All of the ideas in the way that the author would want.

Beth: [00:34:57] So where can people find out about that particular course for people to take.

Jennifer: [00:35:01] They can go to bookinsix@jenniferlockrights.com.

Beth: [00:35:10] fabulous. And we'll put those details in the show notes for today as well. So, the show is obviously about visualising you. So where do you see yourself in the next? Five, Ten, however many years down the line. What's the big picture for Jennifer?

Jennifer: [00:35:24] Yeah, I enjoy the process of, creating books primarily. Prior to creating Book in Six - I've done ghostwriting and author coaching, and that's what I still do. But I enjoy the process so much, and I see myself creating complementary resources that go along with that. And maybe they'll even be out by the time this podcast airs.

I see that in the very near future, but ultimately, in terms of the business, I'm thinking about courses that I could develop—yeah just being able to expand my reach via some courses and just packaging that knowledge that I've garnered over the years and helping people. Access it in a way that's going to impact more people.

So, I see that coming down the pipe and, just continuing to write my own books, I've got big dreams for my middle-grade novels. So that's the big dream that the thing that I get really juiced about. But, yeah, I see both of those things in the next five to 10 years.

Beth: [00:36:28] Lovely. thank you so much for joining us today. Where can people find out about you? Where do you hang out mostly online?

Jennifer: [00:36:35] I am on Instagram, quite a bit at Jenniferlockewrites. You can connect with me on LinkedIn. I'm just Jennifer Locke there. And, on my Facebook page which is also Jennifer Lock Writes or on my website, Jenniferlockewrites.com. It's the same all of the different places.

Beth: [00:36:59] Thank you so much for joining us today. I think it's been really insightful for listeners just to find out more about what ghostwriting is and actually, is it something that they might want to do with themselves now or in the future? And you've certainly shared some really great places that people can find out more about you, and your course sounds really awesome.

So, check out the show notes for all of those details. Thank you for joining us today, Jennifer.

Jennifer: [00:37:20] Thank you so much, Beth. It's been really fun.

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