Learn How to Visualise with These Five Simple and Easy Exercises Transcript

Episode #37

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Today's we're going to look at ways to build up your visualisation, muscles, and skills with five very simple exercises that you can do over and over again, and which by using them in the order that I lay out here today is going to help you to get better and build up your visualisation practice.

I have presented them in such a way that they build upon one another. Okay. So first thing to say is that everybody visualises differently. And actually we should use the term visualisation very loosely because some people when using their imaginations to visualise will have a very different experience.

[00:02:00] And that's because when we use our imaginations to visualise, we are all having very different experiences.  So for example, let's say, I asked you to imagine an elephant.  Think about that image for a couple of seconds.

 Now, what were you actually thinking of? When I asked you to imagine that elephant, you might be seeing an African elephant or maybe an Indian elephant. If you know your difference between elephants, you might even be thinking about a cartoon. Elephant may be Dumbo.

You might be thinking about multiple elephants, maybe like a herd of elephants, maybe a pink elephant, or a Teddy elephant that you had when you were a child, you might also be able to actually hear the noise, an elephant makes or see in your mind's eye, the surroundings that the elephant is in, such as the country, whether it's night or day. And you might know if it's a baby elephant or an adult elephant.

Or. And this does happen for some people. You might not see anything at all. You might actually see the word elephant, or just have a sense that there is an elephant in your imagination in whatever, way that makes sense to you. So, however you are experiencing the elephant right now, that is just your unique way.

It's not wrong. It's not right. It's just the way that is unique to you.

Let's start with some visualisation basics that we can learn in five, very simple exercises. These exercises, if you use them in order, will over time, make it easier for you to visualise.

Exercise one.

I want you to choose an image, a physical image, such as a photograph, a Polaroid, [00:04:00] maybe an image. You found online, maybe a picture you have on the wall, in the room that you're currently in or a poster or some kind of image that you can tangibly see. And when you have that image, maybe pause the podcast for 30 seconds to go grab your image.

I want you to study that image for let's say 30 seconds really study the image, taking in all of the colors, all of the visuals, the composition. And then I want you to close your eyes and try to recreate that image in your mind’s eye remembering that we all do this in different ways. So whatever feels comfortable and right for you.

So while your eyes are closed and you're now imagining the image, I want you to Pay close attention to the colors, the composition, what or who is in the image?  What other objects can you see in the image or [00:05:00] picture? Is there a particular mood or atmosphere? Can you see different textures and keep doing that until you feel like you've got the composition and everything that you could put into it?

Correct. When you feel that you've got it right. I want you to open your eyes and compare with what you just saw in your mind's eye with what is now in front of you. How did you do, did you get quite right? Do you need to take more detail in, do you need to study again for another 30 seconds and try again, if you do just keep trying it again and again, until you think we've captured everything that is possible?

And when you are happy that you've got it down, that is it.

now maybe take a rest, take a little break for 5, 10, 15 minutes and go choose a different image, a different picture and try it again. As you get better at this technique, you'll notice that you will need to check the details of your image less, and less [00:06:00] as your recall gets better and better.

Exercise Two.

In this exercise, you're going to take a three-dimensional object. Something that you can currently see in your current space. So it could be a small object, like a pen, maybe your car keys, maybe a kitchen utensil. And start the same exercise again, but this time really study the physical object from all of its different angles.

Turn it upside down on its side place it in different positions in front of you. Think about the light that is coming into the room and onto the object. Is there sunlight on the object? Is that artificial lighting? Are there shadows? Think about the colours. Think about how it feels to touch. Is it warm?

Is it cold or does it have soft edges or sharp edges? Is it heavy or light and try to capture as [00:07:00] many details as possible whilst you are looking at that object?

And then we're going to do the same thing again, and you are going to close your eyes and imagine that object in as much detail as possible when you feel that you've got the details, quiet, right. Imagine placing the object somewhere in your surroundings, like on a table, on a desk. Somewhere in a room in your house and start to expand your visualisation outwards from the object outwards into the room and try to imagine the different details of the room surrounding the object.

Can you successfully Visualise the object and can you successfully Visualise the room in which you are placing it?

Keep trying this exercise with different objects and different rooms until you feel like you're getting better. Moving onto [00:08:00]

Exercise Three.

In this exercise, we're going to build on the last exercise imagining the very same object again, ensure that this real object is no longer in your site. So you cannot compare it the way that you might've done in the previous exercise. Maybe hide it or take it to another room for the time being.

You are now going to recreate the object, but this time, instead of having your eyes shut, you're going to have your eyes wide open. Now you might find this harder or easier to do, but if you have ever experienced daydream, which I think everybody has, this is exactly what you have been doing, except then you were doing it without any real intention.

You were just staring off. Out into the world and images were coming to your mind by themselves. You were simply drifting off somewhere this time. You're going to get intentional about the thing that you are dead dreaming about. [00:09:00] Now try not to strain your eyes. Um, some people find it works better if you focus on a plain wall or even out of the window, if it helps.

And isn't too distracting. Now, try to imagine the object again, but this time interacting with the object with your eyes wide open. So, for example, if it was a pen, you might imagine yourself using that pen, writing without pain on a page, on a chalk board, signing a cheque, whatever you want to do, or if it was a key, for example, you might imagine using that key to open a drawer and opening the drawer or using that key to open a door and open the door.

Wherever your imagination takes you is absolutely fine. Just keep your eyes open.

And then when you feel you have explored this in as much detail as possible, retrieve the actual object and reflect on whether you missed out on any [00:10:00] specific details.

and then simply try the exercise again with the same object or try something brand new.

Exercise Four.

Let's takes things up a notch further. So this time you are going to introduce yourself into the visualisation and you might be thinking I was already doing that by interacting with the object. What I mean by this is that you will see yourself. Fully your whole body in the visualisation and disassociated from your mind's eye’s view.

So just to explain this, you are no longer going to Visualise looking at an object from your mind's eye.

You're going to be visualizing, looking at yourself, looking at an object and interacting with that object and the surroundings.

Imagine the scene or place you are in, and then start to bring in all of the senses. One by one that is [00:11:00] sound, touch, sight, smell, taste, and intuition. Where are you? What do you see around you? What do you hear? What does the place smell like? Is it hot? Is it cold? What other things can you feel?

Is there anything to taste? If you have a sixth sense, which we all do, what do you intuitively feel about this scene? Play around with the full picture and see how detailed you can make your visualisation?

Exercise Five

Using the same place before, and you visualising yourself fully in that scene. Let's add some new layers to the visualisation. Think about the object we started out with in the earlier exercises. First of all, imagine yourself interacting with the object and seeing yourself doing that. [00:12:00] Now let's introduce a second person. It doesn't matter who that person is. It could be a friend, a family member, a celebrity, somebody you admire, but you're going to start interacting with one another in the visualisation.

Can you hear the conversation that you are having? What are you talking about?  Touch them on the shoulder or the elbow and see how they interact with you. How does it feel to touch them physically somewhere on their body?

And how do they react to you doing that? Start moving around the scene together. Maybe sit down in a chair. You could roll on the floor, jump, move, or run from room to room. You could even imagine being in two different rooms and shouting to your friend from another room to really increase the auditory sounds   of the visualisation

And that is it five very different exercises to help you learn to [00:13:00] Visualise you've gone from visualizing a static, one-dimensional image to a multi-layered multi-sensory associated and disassociated visualisation. Think about how you can apply this to real-life situations, especially to events that you might want to go a certain way, such as a job interview or having success in your business or in a relationship or a friendship or a conversation that you need to have in real life, there really is no limit to your imagination. So keep trying the exercises out and let me know how you get on. You can do this by joining me in the Facebook community or checking out my course, the visualisation vault.

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