Let me help you to connect the dots
it’s my soul’s purpose to support beautiful people just like you, who want to get clearer on their own soul’s journey! Whether you are wanting a complete change of direction in your life or career or you want to take all your experience and skills and turn them in to the business of your dreams - I’m here to help.
I believe - that our past experiences hold the clues to what we can create in the future. Even if our past has sometimes been negative. We can use these experiences to create a more resourceful, positive and intentional, future.
I’ve have been lucky enough to have worked in lots of different industries and although for a long time; I thought this was negative, as I’ve got older (& hopefully wiser) I realise this is an incredibly amazing blessing – you might have had a similar experience….
…I truly believe my souls evolution and destination (in this life!) is to help others see how beautiful change and transition can be. Not just in terms of careers, business and employment but in all areas of life.
I’ve been fortunate enough to hold positions that have allowed me to work across multiple sectors and projects.
To date I have worked in...
...banking, teaching, chemicals, transport, accounts, events, project management, business support, births, marriages and deaths, policy and governance, education, research, health, retail, wines and spirits, and manufacturing…
And breathe
I’ve also had the pleasure of working with businesses big and small from all over the world in a wide range of industries!
About ten years ago, I started my first blog. Over the course of a few years, i had built a following online and set up a small business called The Simple Blogging Network. I helped start-up businesses to create content and fine tune their niches and I sold courses and affiliate products that helped me to produce a modest passive income.
Then, in early 2014 in the depth of depression and being thoroughly burnt out from my full-time corporate gig. I quit my day job. I had planned to work my business part time, whilst I found a part-time job. But the Universe had other plans. Following an interview for a junior role on a business support programme, I was asked back for a second interview and then I was offered a position to project manage the whole programme!
So now what?
Whilst desperately wanting to work part-time so I could grow the Simple Blogging Network. I knew, this new job would open the doors to working with 1000s of business offline and this opportunity seemed just too good to pass up. And with this, my journey into offline business support and event management began!
6 years later I have project managed 5 separate business support programmes supporting over 5000 businesses across the UK. Upskilling their teams & staff in a wide range of digital and technological knowledge via mentoring, coaching and access to high quality workshops and conferences. In 2019 I fulfilled my ambition to become a Non-Executive Director for the biggest business of all - the NHS!
Never in a million years would I have thought my career would have taken so many twists and turns and have been so diverse.
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life karma, whatever.
Steve Jobs
CEO Apple and Pixar – Stanford Commencement Speech 2005.
If you are anything like me, you might have always believed that there was more to life than the 9 to 5. I’ve been predisposed to meditation, affirmations and positivity and I’ve known since the age of 4 years old, that you can truly manifest anything you want with deliberate intent and creative visualisation. Manifesting a red bouncy castle all for myself, when my father said (with love) that it was impossible! But that’s a childhood story for another time…
… years later and now a qualified performance coach, I combine all of my skills and experience to support businesses and business owners to flourish. And I help individuals to fine tune their goals and to visualise their desired futures and outcomes.
Change, however many times, gives you the clues and skills to help you figure out how to be your best you. My aim is to help as many people as possible embrace their past experiences and make positive changes to create their best life and biz.
If you are interested in any other aspects of my life, career and journey then please check out my blog or just ask! I hope in reading my words, you can feel how much emphasis I place on being my authentic and intuitive self and aspire to helping you do the same. I want to help you to VISUALISE YOU!
And now for a quote I heard once upon a time, author sadly unknown..!
If you ACCEPT that all is ALWAYS as it should be; that you are NEVER alone and ALWAYS being divinely guided; that YOUR life experiences are SIMPLY opportunities in disguise towards your soul's evolution; your life WILL become blissful
Before we can create an intentional, successful life and businesses, I believe we need to get clear on what is holding us back. We can do this by releasing resistance and creatively visualising our futures. Once we understand our life journeys in a more meaningful way, we can create a more authentic and aligned businesses that is true to our core values.
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