A circumstance that happens by chance!
How much of our lives are made up of chance encounters, a strange set of circumstances, coincidence, a change of mind, our curiosity or being compelled to take a leap of faith?
I firmly believe, everything that happens to us; happens for a reason. Sometimes we don't know they full reasons why, or understand what is happening; especially when on first glance what is happening isn't going the way we had planned.
But nonetheless, the end game usually seems to turnout OK.
I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dr Norma Reyes who specialise in Happenstance and Career Development. Watch the full interview and the 5 skills to ignite your career development.
Have you had times in your life when you didn't get the job you wanted but it changed the whole direction of your life? Maybe redundancy forced you to do something you'd always dreamed of doing. I'd love to hear more about your own journey in the comments below.